Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Week 13: Reading A

Ravana's Evil Trickery:

Ravaṇa received reports from his spies that the monkeys were amassed outside the city
Suka told him that Rama’s army was inestimable in size and power. 
He recommended that Ravaṇa immediately return Sita to Rama
Ravaṇa bragged of his power at length. He had no intention of making peace with Rama
He needed to more carefully assess their power 
He ordered Suka and another Rakṣasa, Saraṇa, to enter the enemy ranks.
As the two spies wandered amid Rama’s soldiers, Vibhishana detected them
Lanka was impenetrable even by the denizens of heaven, never mind a few monkeys.
Saraṇa went on to describe all of the powerful monkey generals, pointing them out one by one
Ravaṇa dismissed the spies and went into his rooms thinking of Sita
The demon decided to play a trick upon Sita
Rāvaṇa fabricated a whole story about how the army of monkeys was annihilated by the Rākṣasas. He told Sītā they had been wiped out during the night
He threw down a head that resembled Rama's and told Sita her husband had died
Sita is informed that the hed is an illusion

Title: Ramayana: India's Immortal Tale of Adventure, Love and Wisdom
Author: Krishna Dharma
Year: 2008

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Week 12 Reading EC: Another Jataka


Many Quails lived together in the forest
A man lived near by
The man listened to the  quails chirping and figured out how to call them
Once they would all come to him he cast his net and captured the quails to sell them
The birds planned a way to escape the net the next time the man tried to capture them
They would fly away while sticking their heads through the net holes
The man was too smart, he knew once the birds disagreed with each other he could capture them
The birds began to fight as predicted, and the man captured them

Title: Jataka Tales
Author: Ellen C. Babbitt
Illustrator: Ellsworth Young
Year: 1912

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Week 12 Reading A: Epified Krishna

Krishna Epified:

There was a boy who had enemies even before he was born
They tried to keep him from being born/ growing up
They tried to kill him every chance they got, but he survived, and grew up to become a king
His friends and enemies were unaware that they were a part of his world, not the other way around

Bibliography : Author: Epified

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Week 11 Story: Cretaceous Kindness

Author's Notes:
This story is based on the Patient Buffalo Jataka. In the original story, a large buffalo lived in a lake covered in the shade of a large tree. A monkey would constantly bug the buffalo, bu the buffalo did not really mind as the monkey was not very smart. A fairy then asked the buffalo why he did not just gore the monkey. The buffalo explained that he did not mind the nuisance, and that the monkey was unintelligent. In response the fairy made it so the buffalo could not be caused any suffering by anyone. In my rendition of this Jataka I replaced the buffalo with a T-Rex, the monkey with a Raptor, and the fairy with a godly orb. This helps the dinosaur survive the cretaceous extinction event.

It was your average day to the dinosaurs sixty-five million years ago. The foliage was green and luscious. The sun was shining bright down upon the earth with great intensity. The ponds and lakes were all so clear that you could see all the way to the bottom. All the dinosaurs were hunting for food, and living their lives to the fullest. Little did they know, everything was about to change that day.

The tyrannosaurus dwelt deep in the aforementioned foliage as this was one of the coolest places in his area. He would leave to go and hunt for less fierce dinosaurs so that he could eat. Occasionally the T-Rex would be pestered by a raptor, but he never really minded it. This raptor would throw rocks at the much larger dinosaur, and scratch up his favorite tree. The raptor would also make his minuscule  roars in an effort to wake the T-Rex. The raptor was so small that the T-Rex knew eating him would be of little to no value. The T-Rex just ignored his little nuisance for a while, but as time went on the little guy grew on the T-Rex.

One day, an orb of light floated down from the heavens, and questioned the T-Rex. "Why do you not just kill this smaller creature? It would be rather easy for you given your size and strength" the orb said. The T-Rex responded, "Well, he is just so small, and unintelligent that he would try and pick a fight with me. I just see no reason to retaliate against such a small, and less intelligent creature." The orb was surprised by this answer, and granted the T-Rex anything that he desired.

All of a sudden great fiery meteorites came blasting through the ancient atmosphere. The T-Rex knew what he desired now. He wanted to survive these deadly flaming space rocks, and wanted to bring his new raptor friend along with him. The orb obliged him, and placed a force-field around the two until the meteorites stopped falling. Once the rocks stopped falling, the two dinosaurs were among the only survivors of the cretaceous period. The earth was covered in a a grey film, and smelled of burnt plants. This began a new period on the earth, the Paleogene Period.

Title: Twenty Jataka Tales
Author: Noor Inayat (Khan)
Illustrator: H. Willebeek Le Mair
Year: 1939

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Reading: More Jatakas B


A dog used to go into the stable where the king kept the elephant
The dog was going there to eat food left by the elephant 
The elephant began to share his food with the dog, and they would eat together
A farmer saw the dog, and asked the elephant keeper if he could buy the dog
The elephant keeper needed money, so he sold the dog
The elephant was sad now because he missed his friend
The elephant refused to eat, and the king asked where the dog was.
The dog then ran back to the elephant.

Title: More Jataka Tales
Author: Ellen C. Babbitt
Illustrator: Ellsworth Young
Year: 1922

Reading: More Jatakas A


A wolf desired to eat some fish one day
He saw two otters on the bank looking for fish
One of the otters saw a great fish, and caught it by the tail
The other otter helped the first bring the fish to land
They could not decide how to divide the fish up, and asked the wolf for help
The wolf cut off the tail and gave it to one otter, and the head and gave it to the other
He then took the main portion of meet back home, and shared it with his friend

Title: More Jataka Tales
Author: Ellen C. Babbitt
Illustrator: Ellsworth Young
Year: 1922

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Tech Tip: Reverse Image Search

I had never actually searched by image on google. I was aware of the ability to do so, but just had never done it.